August 18th was our second two phase in a row, this time at Green Acres in Madbury, NH. I got a good parking spot right near the dressage warm up arena and went to check in. I also wanted to check out the stadium course before I unloaded Otis, because it was in a field instead of an area, and I wanted to get a look at it. It was a nice course, and the jumps were spread out pretty well, so I felt better about it after seeing it.
After getting Otis unloaded and settled in wtih some hay and water, I started getting us ready for dressage. Otis was really good in the warm up arena, even with quite a few horses in there. He was very calm, soft, and responsive. He only had one little mishap when one of the horses on the cross country course ran through the water, he decided that was scary, and bolted forward and sideways breifly. I was able to get him calmed down and paying attention quite quickly, which made me happy. When it was our turn for dressage we made our way over to the arena to wait for the judges bell. Just as we were entering, another horse went through the water, which is right next to the dressage arena, so that got Otis kind of wound up, but we still got a nice center line and a good halt. He was really good for most of our test. He spooked once as we were ending our last trot circle, but that was pretty much it.
After a long break, I got Otis tacked up and ready to warm up for stadium. I could tell as soon as I got on him that he was not going to be as well behaved for this phase as he was for the dressage phase earlier. I trotted him around the warm up, which was FULL of kids riding and a couple of their instructors. Otis was very high strung, and was not being very good at all. Almost everytime a horse would go out on the cross country course he would jump sidways away from them, almost unseating me everytime, at one point he jump/buck/reared so bad that his head hit mine!! He was acting terrible. I just kept trotting him around and switching directions, trying to get him to relax and pay attention. When I finally decided to take him over one of the jumps, he jumped it so big that my helmet fell down over my eyes! The next few jumps were better, but he was still acting crazy. Of course it was our turn before I was ready, but I figured at that point he wasn't really going to get much better, and I was right. He was high strung through the whole course. I tried talking to him and petting him between jumps, but that didn't even help. He leaped over every jump much bigger than was necessary, but we made a clear round with no refusals and no knock-downs.
We eneded up with thrid place out of seven people, so that made me pretty happy. I was pretty bummed out with our stadium performance after Otis was so good the weekend before at Hilltop. I was also hoping that where the stadium was in a grass field it would be a sort of practice for cross country, I REALLY want to do cross country again. The way he acted did not boost my confidence in that at all :( This was going to be our last event for the year, but now I think I am going to try and fit another one in so we can hopefully get a good stadium round in again.